Monday, January 10, 2011

Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp

I have gone back & forth on this book.  This may be close to my 5th attempt to read it.  There are many good things in this book.  I like the overall concept & many of his main points are right on.....but so much of the book is written with an arrogance that just gets under my skin.  I guess I can't get past it.  I am trying yet again so that I might gain wisdom from that which I find applicable. 

Something I read today just seemed so on target with all that God is teaching me right now.  "You only muddy the waters when the bottom line in discipline is your displeasure over their behavior, rather than God's displeasure with rebellion against his ordained authority."  One of Tripp's main points, whether stated as such, is that we must parent intentionally.  I think this has everything to do with that quote.  I have found that lately I have just been letting life happen.  My intentionality has been severely lacking & in that comes disciplining strictly out of displeasure over their behavior.  I see how this can get completely out of hand.  This places the focus on ME & MY desires.  Not only does it fill me with an undue selfishness but it also takes the focus off of the Lord, whom I desire to center my life around.  I want my children to know God & His character but if life is always about pleasing Mom or Dad, they will never learn how to please God.  It totally goes against what I want for my children. 

I so desire to parent intentionally & it will be a part of my "purpose" for 2011. 

Lord, I pray that you would forgive me for making my pleasure or displeasure the basis for disciplining my children.  I pray that I would focus more on how their actions line up with YOUR desire for them.  I pray that I would guide them to follow YOUR will & not mine.  Help me Lord to parent with intention & to teach my children how their actions do or do not glorify You.  I love you Lord & I praise you for your infinite goodness!  In Jesus' name, Amen.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


While working through my Bible study today, I was suddenly struck by what arrogant people we are. I don't even know if it is our culture or our times or our location, but what I do know is that it is disturbing. I wonder if it's even possible to regain some of the humility we should be living in after being so enveloped by a people who cling so tightly to their "rights." We are inundated with the message that we "deserve" this and are "worth more" than that.

God is the great "I AM." The Israelites deemed this name that God calls himself so sacred that they wrote it without vowels so that it couldn't be spoken. Their approach to writing the name was just as reverent: scribes bathed before writing it and afterward destroyed the writing implement. There was nothing casual about their concept of the I AM.

Were these the religious freaks who lived and breathed God and did nothing but bathe themselves in the Word day and night? Or were these simply those who believed in the Everlasting, like you and I?

Has God become so mundane to us that we have lost all reverence for Him, like that the Israelites expressed? Has He simply become the way to NOT end up in hell? Is He not so much more than that?

Quite Laughable

As I ran through the posts of this blog, I am painfully aware of my lack of follow through. While I have always had a problem with sticking to one thing, I don't suppose I have ever had evidence so clearly laid out as I do now.

Hmmmm, let's see, how many things can I start and not even write a 2nd post on???? JEEZ! Sooooo, I mean well, I really do.

I do have good intentions, but life and "a better idea" always seem to come along!

Maybe one day I will start something and actually do it!

I suppose that knowing no one reads this blog leaves me with very little accountability.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

God is not really good.

Lie #1


As Nancy points out, we see this played out so clearly with Eve. We see this happen to her even before she was ever faced with the sin of others. Satan convinced her to believe that God was not really good......that if he was, he would not deny her something she really wanted. (is this not the cry of our society??? for your desires)

Our job is even more difficult as Christians in a fallen world. We must stand and BELIEVE that God really is good even though Satan is still as diligent in deceiving AND our lives are tainted by the sins of others. Satan's ploy is, "How could a truly good God let ______ happen?"

Something that was so profound for me were the effects of this belief. Nancy says, " Once we doubt the goodness of God, we feel justified in rejecting His will and making our own decisions about right and wrong." I am afraid this is where I stand at times. When things are not going my way, I convince myself that I am being wronged. I justify wrong actions because I feel that I am being wronged and God would never really desire that for me. Sadly, I am mistaken and am falling into the trap Satan has set to keep me from living in God's will.

The truth is that God is good. His Word says, "You are good and do good." ~Psalm 119:68.

I will stand on the TRUTH.

Lies Women Believe

If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you are probably familiar with this book by Nancy Leigh Demoss. It has been sitting on my shelf for some time now. I am pretty sure I have attempted to read through it twice, if not more. I haven't been successful in getting very far. As I picked it up again a few days ago and starting reading through it once more, I realized the reason for the continued failures. It is not the author and it is not the content. All of that is excellent. It was the reader. This book requires MUCH on the part of the reader and I guess I have never been willing to give it the time it deserves. As a "reader" (as opposed to someone who doesn't read regularly), I tend to want to rush through them and be done. This one does NOT allow for such an approach.

And so I am here today to tell you that I am WORKING THROUGH the book this time. I will use this blog as an outlet for me to work through the lies and stand on the Truth. Maybe as I work through the book, you too will see lies that you are believing.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Working through the Parable of the Sower: Part 1

I have been reading Matthew. It is a back up plan of sorts. I fall back on it when I don't have any pressing scriptures I want to study or workbook scriptures to search through. It has been quite an adventure and I am only to chapter 17.

Since reading it last month, I feel that God has been bringing me back to a particular scripture over and over. Matthew 13. The parable of the sower. I must admit that I didn't understand this parable in previous readings so I kind of just shuffled over it. I was determined in this reading to understand the text, not just gain mileage.

Dissecting this particular scripture has brought up a handful of questions.....none of which seem to be on the light side of our spiritual walks. I do believe the implications of this passage are quite alarming for the majority of the Christians I know.

I will do my best to express the questions that have surfaced and share the "answers" I have found and update as I find others. I am just an ordinary girl, working through scripture......if some of these questions seem absurd to you, cut me some slack.......I am sure I will figure it out soon enough.

1) Aside from the seed that fell along the path, is the initial conversion of all of these "seeds" a true conversion

  • If the answer is "yes, " do they still go to heaven even though they have fallen away?

  • If that answer is "yes," how does that jive with the idea that those who know the Lord will produce fruit and desire an intimate relationship with Him?

3) If we fail, as Christ followers to disciple new believers, are we causing them to be like the seed with no roots?

4) What is it that keeps these seeds from understanding & growing roots.....does this hint around in the area of predestination or is it more about OUR actions?

5) The way the parable is told, it seems as though we have no part in where we(the seed) will this true? If so, what does that mean for us? (along the same lines as the end of the last this giving us insight into the predestination debate?)

That will get us started.....I am sure there are more but those are the initial questions that came to mind.

I will continue to post on this as I work through it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Biblically Based Parenting

I have pretty much quit reading parenting books across the board. Many times they are filled with the same stuff and are rarely based solely on scripture. This one is different.

I'm on my 4th or 5th read of this book so I figured it was probably something someone else might be interested in as well..... I happened upon it while working at Mardel.

Sometimes I get so confused as to how to put all of the Bible into my parenting. This book has been a GREAT help. She uses Psalm 127:1 as a framework for her book.....starting it out with the building the foundation and ending with installing locks and an alarm system. She does this in 2-3 page chapters, each beginning with 3+ verses that she is walking you through. She usually gives a life example, What Parents Can Do section, and a prayer for you and your children. Each chapter is quick and could choose to read it through or hit by topic as you need it.

WARNING: This is not for the lukewarm Christian. The suggestions she makes many times make me think......WOW......I am going to have to work on that before I can teach my children to be that way! She is radical, straight from scripture!

As with any book, there are times when I don't completely agree with her but overall this book has been a FANTASTIC resource.